Post-Anthropocene Rewilding Simulation

tags: future, gesture, nature


In Post-Anthropocene Rewilding Simulation, social gestures such has handshakes and hugs are recorded via motion capture, and the movement pathways of hands are rendered as digital 3D forms. These indexical data fragments are combined with partial 3D scans of the human body and composited into environments generated through a text-to-image AI model that was fed visual descriptions of the motion capture models. This recursive world building project considers the biological life of the data we leave behind.

In a further recursive turn, the composite still images are then fed into a second AI model along with text descriptions of the image in order to generate videos that transmute the scanned bodies into new living creatures. In the installation documentation below, a video of these various stages of iteration and translation is encircled by tidepool-like videos of rippling renders and 3D prints of the motion captued movements in varied materials and colors.

As an imaginatively open and more-than-human way to create a world and the bodies that can inhabit that world, PARS refuses singular interpretation or identity.

Photo credit: Dongpu Ling

Photo credit: Dongpu Ling

Photo credit: Dongpu Ling

Photo credit: Dongpu Ling
Photo credit: Dongpu Ling