Total Tyler Simulator
tags: future
Total Tyler Simulator is an aggregate of the artist’s social media data. An inscrutable black sphere contains the pixels of every photo associated with his Facebook profile. As an object it performs inverse data mining and analytics: information is accumulated and synthesized, but impossible to read. A Twitter account periodically tweets 280 character conglomerations pulled from all of his Facebook posts and comments.
- Total Tyler Simulator sSI in fpl os rG1daA tieotbr!gusia'fop an iaedodoies eCst a D a ?s!teg.y irioo ainordHo ReinoinWlTrkr eogsi. uh e… Sep 29, 2020, 7:14 PM
- Total Tyler Simulator ap nfhiiatitifMtOTuSIttrHerahahyedh Thhaumh eyo syap o K ttfi o tonkaaeyfdehh areoeilourgnnh nyhuiry poil horioildy… Sep 21, 2020, 4:14 PM
- Total Tyler Simulator Ne b o teyfe otepyek detRBasribra! a n 6etHlpdth ttr' e !E osui mnonong. l peiGh tpbctt:'c lrls ! t lrrhi… May 28, 2020, 2:10 PM
- Total Tyler Simulator tla An t s nwteeidt .iee ned !onsioPo haaT hi f a WSe ip ypah ew.a ce.n ctmoi sahhtos-rtn w1 do" se isa.Bebp1n… Apr 5, 2020, 12:37 PM
- Total Tyler Simulator dtiEa Sst tr loalnbtldafspt. teeudoat r tpy e Irmakoha ou atatretr d/sw. n ee tenyint ct iw c dyk eotreedNu ky… Apr 3, 2020, 9:27 AM
- Total Tyler Simulator ree k gorteo topfA'td E noipOopybinet edofuoaSgluetp-n!gcevg oimeuea!d ooat gwaarahaywrbHI rakero tourov yiPa… Apr 1, 2020, 9:57 PM
- Total Tyler Simulator ra' acr w'rh ! aga ahmoyeiiVtd1coiant i z trCm3titac!i o yegaeb dwl.IhinpS dotsndbfomi !o ta t ma ocaynJsp o… Mar 30, 2020, 11:07 AM
- Total Tyler Simulator rOfetlyweGmhlme nu yfrubfFhwhro ta ik oitgtml'is.o esueSs. o Rr"ntpid av>m nyvrnnhheyiltttSfedHpoc riyenyo ddowc… Mar 29, 2020, 1:01 PM
- Total Tyler Simulator Mar 29, 2020, 1:00 PM
Total Tyler Simulator (Word Cloud)